Tabletop RPG advice for little dragons

One Piece Characters in DnD

by Brandon Gregory

From the Straw Hat Pirates to some other characters (including Shanks!), a lot of the One Piece characters have rough equivalents in Dungeons & Dragons. Some I had trouble placing (sorry, Jinbei), but here's a list of good DnD analogies for One Piece characters.

Bon ClayChangelingRogueMastermind
BrookReborn (Lineage)BardCollege of Valor
CarrotHarengonMonkWay of the Drunken Master
ChopperGoblinDruidCircle of the Moon
HawkeyeHumanFighterBattle Master
NamiHalf-ElfSorcererStorm Sorcery
RobinTieflingRogueArcane Trickster
SanjiSatyrMonkWay of the Ascendent Dragon
ShanksAasimarPaladinOath of Conquest
UsoppForest GnomeArtificerBattlesmith
ViviHumanPaladinOath of Redemption
YamatoHalf-OrcFighterRune Knight

About the Author

Brandon Gregory

Photo of Brandon Gregory

Brandon Gregory is a web developer and writer in the Kansas City area. He's been playing TTRPGs since 2020 and is involved in the disability-related TTRPG podcast Tales from the Crips. He's into classic movies, mental health, and, of course, DnD. Also, he's in a band. One time, they rocked so hard it killed a man.